I finally figured them out! I've made them a few times recently and they've always turned out like the ones on the left. Still yummy but not popped like they should. Then I looked up the recipe on
http://www.allrecipes.com/ and read a suggestion that said to put a little dallop of butter in each cup after heating up the pan in the oven for about 5-10 mins. So I put a little drop of butter in the six cups on the left and see what happened. Woo Hoo lovely popped Popovers. I've also tried making the batter as room tempature as possible which may help too, but my little experiment proves that a little butter is the key. So go make them, I've already made them twice this week and will probably make them Sunday morning too since Ryan said he's never had them before.
2 Eggs (room temp if possible)
1 Cup Milk
1 Cup Flour
Pre heat oven to 450* put the muffin tin in while it's heating. Take tin out, spray and add a drop of butter to each cup. Bake at 450 for 20 mins then lower the temp to 350 and bake another 10-15 mins. Eat warm with butter and strawberry jelly or lemon juice and powder sugar.